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      Corporate training

      Competences in supply chain management

      The program is introductory (for informational purposes). The final version is finalized after assessing the current level of training of the participants, the existing procedures and standards in the company, the specific situations of the participants and the current business request.

      on request

      classroom and online platform ZOOM


      Build a system understanding of the 3-level structure of competencies necessary for business development and implementation of operational and commercial strategy in modern conditions of supply chain management:

      1. Functional (specialized) competencies of the key supply chain functions of the SCOR model;
      2. Leadership competencies according to the Korn Ferry Leadership Architect standard adapted to local market mentality and challenges;
      3. Business competences (this item depends on the direction of business of the participants of the training course).


      Detailed program of 1-day training

      Registration of participants


      Acquaintance of the trainer and the participants of the training course. Presentation of a 3-level model of competencies. Functional (specialized) competencies of key supply chain functions:


      • What are competencies and a 3-level matrix?
      • The relationship between strategy, organizational structure and staff.
      • Key functions and functional competencies in supply chain management.
      • The SCOR model and the People sector as a standard that describes the skills needed to perform tasks and manage processes.
      • Cases and practical tasks in the formation of functional 1st level in the matrix of competencies.
      • Identification of gaps and formation of a development plan in the area of ​​functional competencies
      Coffee break


      Business competencies (this item depends on the business direction of the participants of the training course and is prepared in advance using calculation indicators based on company statistics and benchmarking)


      • What is business competency in supply chains management?
      • Cases and practical tasks in the formation of the 2nd level in the matrix of business competencies.
      • Identification of gaps and formation of a development plan in the area of ​​business competencies.
      • Business competencies as an identifier of industrial leadership.
      • Risks and evolution of the business and, as a result, of supply chain managers.
      Lunch hour


      Leadership competencies according to the Korn Ferry Leadership Architect * standard are adapted to the local mentality and challenges of the markets: компетенції згідно стандарту Korn Ferry Leadership Architect* адаптовані під локальну ментальність та виклики ринків:


      • Types of leadership in the business environment.
      • The difference between leadership and management.
      • 38 leadership competencies according to Korn Ferry Leadership Architect. Levels of development. Possible reasons of the low level of leadership competencies development.
      • Blocks and limitations of a leader in career development.
      • Cases and practical tasks in the formation of the 3rd level in the matrix of leadership competencies.
      • Identification of gaps and formation of the development plan in the direction of leadership competencies.
      • Finalization of individual development plans at 3 levels and matrix of complexity of the development of competences.
      Questions and answers. Discussion of the results of the master class. Presentation of certificates


      Speaker of the event

      Vira Dobachevska

      President of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals in Ukraine. Head and founder of Kyiv Logistics School

      Specialization in logistics:

      • development and motivation of logistics staff
      • coaching
      • integration of warehousing projects
      • IS solutions for warehousing logistics

      Certified Scrum Master, certified expert in KF 360 personnel evaluation. Personal coach of managers and business owners


      Form and analyze personal 3-level matrices of competencies in supply chain management in a comprehensive manner and develop matrices for their teams and employees

      Use mastered practical cases and methodology that will help provide the optimal level of management expertise for effective supply chain management

      Identify "gaps" / blocks in the matrix of competencies and in the development plan of a supply chain manager

      Create a competitive advantage and increase business efficiency

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